Hi, my name is Becky, and I welcome you to my website. I appreciate you taking time to check out my upcoming events.
If you are like me, you have probably wondered about those BIG questions in life: What’s it all about? Why are we here? Who am I? What am I supposed to be doing with my life? Are we alone in this vast Universe? Are there effective alternative healing methods for humanity? What is the proper nutrition for our bodies? …
For many people those thoughts come and go, but for me, I am fascinated by these concepts! I have been on the quest to figure out the big questions in life. Of course, I know I will probably not attain those answers in this lifetime, but it won’t stop me from trying! This is my passion, and I’ve been at it for many years. I’ve flown all over the country and attended countless seminars and workshops in pursuit of answers.
Over the past 20 years of racking up frequent flyer miles, it’s become clear to me that certain areas of the Midwest have been largely underserved by those who speak and teach the thought-provoking, and often mind-blowing, new and alternative concepts of Science, Spirituality, Consciousness, Healing, and Healthy Living.
Higher Dimensions Network was born out of my desire to bring new thoughts, ideas, and possibilities to residents of Indiana, the greater Midwest, and also those who would travel to our great state to attend seminars/workshops that would enrich their lives. And there has never been a better time to travel to Indianapolis because of the enormous investment that has been made to make the Hoosier State a true destination!
I will strive to offer speakers who challenge you to open your minds, and consider new possibilities. My hope is that you will be open-minded enough to consider the material, but then ultimately decide for yourself what is true for you.
If you have landed on this website, chances are that you are also a seeker of truth. I hope to provide you with events that will stimulate new thoughts and possibilities for you that ultimately enrich your life!
Thank you for your interest and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Love & Light,